Resultados: 3

Chat na aprendizagem em enfermagem pediátrica e neonatal: percepção do estudante

O chat ou comunicação síncrona no ensino, apesar de incipiente, no Brasil, tem se apresentado como promissor para auxiliar no processo ensino-aprendizagem de estudantes. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as atividades de chat educacional na aprendizagem da sondagem gástrica na criança, ...

Games as an educational technology for the involvement of companions in pediatric patient safety: a qualitative study

ABSTRACT Objective to describe the meaning attributed to the use of a game as an educational technology for the involvement of companions in pediatric patient safety. Method a qualitative study carried out with 16 companions of children admitted to the Pediatric Unit of the public hospital in Minas Ger...

Management of cardiopulmonary arrest in an educational video: contributions to education in pediatric nursing

Objective: to make and validate an educational video about the management of pediatric cardiopulmonary arrest caused by respiratory failure. Method: methodological study developed in three stages: preparation and validation of a clinical case; production; and validation of educational video. To build th...